Agile Payments Blog


Understanding IVR For Utility Companies

Despite the convenience of online payments, 62% of utility customers claim to prefer making a payment without logging into a system. Likewise, more than ¾ of general consumers have claimed to make at least one payment per month via the phone. 

Today’s consumers simply expect convenience!

Utility companies MUST aim to implement an IVR Payments system in 2020. By implementing IVR for Utilities, utility companies can give their customers the payment experience they expect:  to call a phone number, hear their account information and make a payment quickly and easily.

Implementing IVR Payments For Utilities is a simple, effective way for your utility company to provide more thorough customer service by allowing customers to complete their utility payments whenever and wherever, even after hours! The automated system can handle large amounts of calls, replacing live customer service operators by offering voice prompts. Automating payments, reminders, and the distribution of account info means that customer service reps can focus more energy on solving customer problems. 

Beyond their ease of implementation, IVR systems PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant, meaning the system complies with a set of industry standards that aim to ensure credit card companies are keeping customer data secure. With IVR for Utilities your business will greatly reduce the classic 9 to 5 man hours previously spent on live customer service operators. Call center agents get to spend more time solving customer problems, meaning your customers will be more pleased with your service.