Recurring Payments for SaaS Providers

Recurring Payment API

Applications that enable recurring payment transactions are without question our most satisfied clients

Over our 15 plus years serving the market, we have excelled at providing superior recurring integration solutions for recurring payments integrationapplication stakeholders and their user base. Our team takes the time to learn your market, its users, the processes and capabilities surrounding the application environment. On the surface it may seem that decision making on what transaction engine and payment gateway to integrate to is a fairly easy task to dissect. Does it make sense to discuss options with a team who has been fulfilling recurring payments integration needs for 15 plus years? A few questions to consider:

  • Will my applications users and customers benefit from both credit card and eCheck payment vehicles?
  • Does the partners Recurring Payment Gateway Integration API offer multiple integration pathways?
  • Does my payment partner have a solution for credit card declines? 15% of recurring credit card payments decline on average.
  • After deciding on an integration partner, what is the process for migrating sensitive payment data to a different provider should we wish to switch at some point in time? Are we stuck with who we have integrated with because of gateway partner non-compliance or exorbitant migration fees?
  • Does a Payment Service Provider aggregation model make sense for us? If so, are the risks and benefits understood?
    • Note: Providers like Stripe are PSP aggregators, and while they are an excellent choice for smaller applications to use for integration, what’s really being asked above is could your application could benefit from being the aggregator.
  • Has the potential integration been considered as a growth vehicle for the business itself?
  • Does the payment partner help the end user get the most AutoPay adoption from their client base? What good are automated payments if customers are not using it?
  • Is there revenue potential from the integration?  Have we considered what the revenue share model should be?
  • Do we want a white-label integration and appear to be the payment processor? If so, is our team able to meet both the technological and risk management needs?
  • What is the customer on-boarding process like and how can it affect our business?
  • What system gives us the best payment exception handling and how can this affect the overall success of our application?
  • How can our payments partner support us in increasing the percentage of recurring participation from the customer base?
  • Will the user base prefer ACH but also need to provide credit card payments? If so, how will the integration partner support our user base toward increasing ACH e-check participation?
  • Many applications that have a recurring payment component benefit from e-check inclusion. If yours might benefit, does including Canadian EFT from a single platform make sense for your market base?
  • Does the integration leave open the possibility for existing credit card merchant accounts being facilitated? Or will new merchant accounts need to be acquired?

Get in touch

Let us know about your recurring payments needs!

And of course there are the more common questions that are specific to recurring transactions that should be considered:

  • Is there a notification system that is accessible from the API?
  • Is there re-submit functionality accessible from the Recurring API?
  • Is a convenience fee model available and built-in to the transaction engine?
  • What kind of anti-fraud tools are available?
  • Can a call be made to tokenize-only?
  • What kind of frequency options are there?

Our most successful payment integrations are with applications that have recurring payments as a need for their users. If your application does also, give us a shout and let’s begin a dialog so we can learn your specific needs and let’s see if we can build a successful recurring payment integration model.

Contact us to discuss ACH recurring payments for SAAS. Our Recurring Payment Gateway Solutions offer you maximum flexibility and opportunity.