Agile Payments Blog


IVR Payments For Storage Facilities

78% of consumers have reported making at least one payment per month via phone payments, with 60% preferring our phones to make payments. This means storage facilities are in a prime position to utilize an IVR Payments system in 2020.

Implementing IVR Payments For Storage Facilities is a simple, effective way for your storage facility business to provide more thorough customer service by allowing renters to make payments at any time, even after hours. More hours, that can be used to collect which leads to an increase in revenue. Sometimes renters need a reminder to pay on time. Monthly reports show who was contacted when they were contacted, what contact method was used, and how much was paid.

IVR Payments For Storage Facilities means that an automated system can handle large amounts of calls, replacing live customer service operators by offering voice prompts. IVR Payments coupled with a payment gateway facilitates credit card/ACH transactions to be accepted/processed. 

An IVR payments system is PCI compliant, easy to implement, and completely integrated with our virtual terminal and API integrations. Plus, there’s a single source for reporting credit card/eCheck payments. Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance is a set of industry standards making sure credit card companies are keeping customer data secure. In 2006, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and AMEX established the PCI Security Standards in 2006 to help regulate the industry and manage PCI standards.

Once implemented, your business will greatly reduce man hours previously spent on live customer service operators (the typical customer service operator works 9-5, but an IVR system has 24/7 availability…). Considering the fact that 33% of consumers have reported making a payment after hours, 24/7 availability is a huge plus.. Likewise, call center agents get to spend more time solving customer problems.