Agile Payments Blog


IVR Payment Software: What are your options in your IVR Payment Solution search

IVR Payment  Software Solutions offer payment options that allow clients to pay bills or invoices via self service. Customers dial into a  phone and connect to an automated IVR system and interact via voice prompts, allowing customers them to pay amounts due without human interaction from the business side.

Interactive Voice Response Payment Solutions are constantly working for your organization, 24 ivr payment softwarehours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. IVR Payment Software enables your organization to streamline operations and offer more customer IVR Pay options.

Your business can accept Interactive Voice Response (IVR) payments using a customizable IVR platform designed around your specific needs. When callers are connected with the IVR Payment system, they can be presented with pre-recorded scripts or custom scripts, depending on the organization’s requirements. There are currently more than 20 languages to choose from and enable for callers who speak different languages, should the organization have the need. PCI IVR Payment Software can be configured to meet all of your self service payment needs.

But what makes for the best IVR Payment Sofware?An PCI Compliant IVR Software Solution for Phone Payments should have the following features:

  • PCI Compliant IVR Payments: data security and compliance are musts
  • Credit Card and ACH Payment options  
  • The system has no down time [redundant servers]
  • Easy “flow chart” call routing
  • Multiple languages supported
  • Support for convenience fees assessed to the caller.
  • Once set up additions/edits are easily managed
  • Transaction reporting tools via API or Virtual Terminal
  • Quickly setup
  • Support for invoice uploading for customer “look up”

As you evaluate IVR Payment Software look for the features.

Contact AgilePayments for you IVR Payment Software needs today