Agile Payments Blog


Checking Account Owner Authentication Service: Looking Beyond “Account is Open and in Good Standing”Check Verification Services

Checking Account Owner Authentication Service (AOA) mitigates the risk of fraudulence for businesses, utilizing tools that grant real-time insight on the business or person whose check payment your business wants to accept or enroll in a recurring billing plan.

Check Verification Services are relatively limited, and can only verify that an account exists and has funds in it, while AOA is the only service that validates important data elements such as phone numbers, date of 


birth, driver’s license numbers, etc., and matches them against records held at the customer’s Financial Institution.

For example, consider an error occurring during data entry stage of a customer’s onboarding.

.Firstly the error must be discovered. Once discovered, the customer must be contacted (usually multiple times), with the typical success rate of contacting a customer and extracting the relevant information being around 5%. This will lead to additional admin costs and friction points for one’s customer. Thus, failure to gain proper checking account information will ultimately lead to lost clients.

As a business that accepts electronic or paper checks, or enrolls customers for recurring ACH Payment debits you must move beyond the “account is open and in good standing” check verification service, This headache can be easily avoided by employing a Checking Account Owner Authentication Service.

Businesses can significantly reduce these risks and improve customer experience for a small one-time fee. Costs range from .80-$1.25 with higher volume clients getting custom quotes.

Benefits include:

  • Eliminate the need for account-owner login credentials
  • Improve customer experience and reduce abandonment rates
  • Reduce unauthorized and administrative ACH and check returns
  • Reduce Account Take-over risks
  • Reduce unauthorized access to customer accounts

Contact AgilePayments now to learn more about Checking Account Owner Authentication Service